Monday, December 12, 2011


What a sweet word that is so dear. This morning I took the boys to school after adding the reindeer antlers and nose to our car and then dropped Zane off. Choosing not to take a shower and stay in my sweat pants and greasy hair for one more day. I enjoyed a nice time shopping to fill some bags for the Open Door and getting goodies to make peppermint bark with the boys when they get home. At the check out line I enjoyed a deep conversation with Joann about her slacker ex-son in law who won't pay child support, her husband died 2 years ago and she is trying to make ends meet, help her girls and she was aggravated that the lady that runs the local soup kitchen came in to buy salad dressing different from what they already had because the people eating there didn't "like" what they had. I LOVED this chat because she is right on so many levels but the one true thing is that when we serve, when we give when we share our love and when we sacrifice our hard earned money for others it has to be done with a giving heart and the trust that God will use that gift, that sacrifice to do his work to show his love. Life is precious and I know that each day is a gift. So I smiled at her and said I hope this is the month he decides to pay his child support and I hope you have a blessed and peaceful day. Merry Christmas. I load up my car and head to the post office and go in with my things to mail. I smile at this lady in the car next to me and head off to the door, get there and remember the stickers i wanted to include in the gift. As I go back to my car she said you look precious, I said I am sorry what did you say and she repeated herself you look precious. I quickly think to my self what in the world I haven't showered in 2 days and have sweatpants on that include a hole in them, a pullover, may hair is slicked back in a pony tale... and I answer Thank you that is the sweetest thing you are precious too. I know I did NOT look precious so what was this woman seeing? How did she feel that I a perfect stranger was precious. I believe it was because I was happy because i was doing what God has called me to do. Serve, love and give time to others. Both of these ladies were older and I hope that through me they saw Christ and that in Christmas they find him in the precious moments, today I sure did!

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