Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thanksgiving Programs

 Beautiful songs and precious memories and turkey dinner with our sweet Walker! 

 Mrs King - She has been so precious to Walker! He loves her and has grown in so many ways thanks to Mrs. King and the lovely lady below, Mrs. West. These ladies have loved on Walker, encouraged him to grow, explore and be confident in his self. I am truly THANKFUL for these precious ladies in his life. Mrs King is his student teacher and will not be with him the second part of the year but the gifts she has already given to Walker are life changing. Mrs West has the best heart I have ever seen and I am so thankful to have her as his teacher. I know he is hugged daily and encouraged to take risks, read, grow and LOVE school by her influences! She also allows me to be involved in as much as possible and I appreciate the opportunity to help and be a part of their day. LOVE LOVE LOVE these ladies and every moment I am truly blessed. 

 Mason also had a program where he memorized his lines and was a hunter during the first Thanksgiving meal! So cute! We also feel so blessed with his teacher and teacher's assistant. I know he is being challenged and encouraged to do his best. Mrs. Green uses every moment of their day to learn and grow and explore so many ways of learning. I know that every moment Mason is in that classroom time is not waisted. I walked in the other day and Mrs. Green was reading to them while they had snack... beautiful!
One of my most favorite teachers and someone I respect to this day would read to us during down times. Reading is such a beautiful gift to give a child and Mrs. Green has given this to Mason! He loves to read and is almost at the point of finding a quiet little corner and reading a book by his self! He is really learning to use expression and it is G R E A T!!!!!!! Happy Turkey day!

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