Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I laid in bed last night loving the thought of the cheer that was let out when there was no baseball practice! The boys LOVE baseball and love playing and all the things they are involved in or ... they wouldn't be doing it (: says Momma (: BUT when we pulled up to the field and the rain was coming down and the lightning pounded we all cheered that we got to go back home snuggle in and be together! I hope that they always cheer when they have to come home and that the "returning" home is a comfort a secure place a place where they know arms are always wide open! I want my children to be a part of the world I do not want them to be of the world but I think they will be great little CHRISTIAN SOLDERS in this world and I want them to know that they can be out there and learn things and know right from wrong and know they can say no or sometimes yes to things and that when they walk through that front door that they are loved and that we will cheer when they come home! I explained to a friend the other day that until Mason attended Kindergarden I worried about him being influenced by "the dark side" being exposed to things that were beyond my control but in this year I have realized by the way he has handled kindergarden that the dark is not "getting" on him HE is taking the light into the darkness! He talks about right and wrong he talks about Jesus and that he died for our sins and he invites his classmates to church... LOVE IT! Jesus loves me and we are covered in grace and he always cheers when we come home! YEA!

Funny for the day... I asked the boys what kind of cereal they wanted me to get while I was at the store... Walker says "I want the square cereal with the holes in it that I had at Memaws" not having a clue what that might be I call my Mom and ask what he could be talking about her answer after she stops laughing
.... Life

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