Saturday, May 21, 2011

MAY 21 let the adventure end/begin

Ok I will go back and add the past few weeks at a later time but today I am going to try to go back to daily post! Even if they are short and sweet (;
We have had birthday mania at the house and it has been fun however I am glad that they were fun and done (: I left yesterday on my first solo adventure since kids! Over the past few weeks I have planned and scheduled and prayed and cleaned and prayed and then I prayed! That this adventure would go smoothly! Mike has been gone for the past week to Drum camp!you can watch him nightly at I think. You may have to have a password but you can at least go to Drum Camps and see what he has been doing! He has had a blast and the Barrel of Monkeys have been a little crazy without their alpha leader (: I accomplished this past week a bit of confidence that I feel I really needed. One of my biggest fears is that something would happen to Mike. When I think about this I at some points have had full blown panic attacks. Not because I love him that much although I do and only that aspect of it is enough BUT because I have THREE BOYS! How does one Mom take care of three boys? but I did and they were happy and I am exhausted but I did it! What I learned from this week.... I truly love this man emotionally, physically and when I said with all that I am I honor you I meant it and will continue to try to live up to that, it was confirmed that he is the BEST husband and Daddy that anyone could imagine, the boys missed him like crazy and the laundry took a blow from Heather (a job I really am AWFUL at) The bed was really lonely at night (except one night thanks Katie) and then I was empowered that I can do what I need to do and although I had a lot of help (Mom, Beth, Cheryl, Connie, Taylor, Kris, Amanda, Katie= deep hearted THANK YOU!)  I kept everyone alive and for the most part was where we were suppose to be when we needed to be! Please pray for the next week as Judi and Vickie are with the boys that they know Momma and Daddy love them and that they have fun while we are away! This is the first time we have ever been more then 2 hours away from them and being across the country feels really strange! The other adventure that I had was flying across the country by my self ... I have not flown at all in 5 years and the last time I did involved throwing up and many more not so good memories so I was very excited when I arrived by shuttle at our hotel last night in Folsom California! Have a beautiful day and I will post soon hopefully tonight! Today is going to be  a big wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun darling girl!!! Hope you and Mike have a good vacation. Glad your trip wasn't too bad :) By the way, I knew you could do it:) Never a doubt! Remember, you are stronger than you think :) Even though it's not fun to go through, I'm so glad you felt empowered!!! You go!!!
