Sunday, January 30, 2011

Car Thoughts

Ok so 11 hours in a car can lead to some conversation! One thought we had...ok I had... What is the key to good relationships? I thought about many relationships in my life and thought is it communication, is it if you like that person, is it if you both are Christians, is it because you both have children(especially when they are both of yours hee hee) is it because you are related, why why why and what I came up with is it is unconditional love. People suck sometimes and they aren't likable and they aren't fun and the do really bad things but if you love someone unconditionally the way God loves us, the way Jesus showed us to love, there is no judging, there is nothing that can make you stop loving that person if you really have unconditional love. You can really NOT like them at moments but you never stop loving them. I think about it in the way of Avatar, when Jake Sollie takes his hair(or whatever it is) and the little jelly fingers fuse with the horses at which time the horse can feel, and hear, and know what Jake is thinking, feeling etc. I think it is like that, once your jelly fingers have linked with another's jelly fingers you feel what they feel, you can be mad at them or not like what they are doing but still love them still accept them. There are very few people in this world that can love purely, truly and 100% unconditionally and I think that is the only way that someone can have a true bonding, wonderful, genuine relationship with someone. and here is one more thought think about if both of you loved unconditionally... It would stop you from acting certain ways, causing hurt, causing harm doing things you can't undo! So today love like Jesus loved! Love the unlovable, hug the hurt and be the first to say I suck but I am committed to you, I love you and I am going to give my best to you! My best energy, my best thoughts, my best love, my best piece of cookie! Just do it!

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