Sunday, January 30, 2011

More car thoughts... yes it was 11 hours

Do they act like they act because they are bad/rebellious/mean/sinful etc. or do they act that way because you dropped the ball. I believe that they way children act is a reflection of their heart a mirror of what is inside. They come with a certain personality NO DOUBT but as parents I feel it is our job to figure out the way they tick and guide them, lead them to the gold! So I have three boys right? They first one... orderly, planned intense and can freak out and pitch a fit like no other well... except like me but that is another story. He needs to be given the plan, he needs to think that he has good ideas, that he is a leader even if it is your idea... the second one... could careless about well most things, he goes with the flow, remembers EVERYTHING, and when he pitches a fit it is because someone is pushing against his love, challenging his motion of life, not considering his heart. He wants to please and all he needs is someone to hug him, play with him, and he could careless about who's idea it is as long as he gets there carried or tucked under your wing... and who knows how the third one will be but thus far he is a planner with a easygoing heart.

I think about how patient God is with each one of us and how his plan for us is the best plan and how we don't always take the easiest, best way there, Someone said recently that yes you can have a plan and it may be a good plan but sometimes the best is not always the best God has for you! So trust God has it in his hands and that when you are not seeing how this is so great that God has a "best plan" for you! and try not to fight it try not to test the waters just embrace that God is good full of unconditional love and guidance that in the end is the best because he wants the best for his children!

~I hope this makes since I should be sleeping~

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